To play, simply go to the directory where your game was installed: That's it! Now install Empire Earth II and Unofficial Patch 1.5:Ĭd /folder/where/unofficial_patch15_installer/is Sudo apt-get -reinstall install ttf-mscorefonts-installerĤ. WINEPREFIX="$homedir/.wineEE2" WINEARCH=win32 WINE="/opt/wine-staging/bin/wine" winetricks corefonts WINEPREFIX="$homedir/.wineEE2" WINEARCH=win32 WINE="/opt/wine-staging/bin/wine" winetricks d3dcompiler_43 WINEPREFIX="$homedir/.wineEE2" WINEARCH=win32 WINE="/opt/wine-staging/bin/wine" winetricks d3dx9_43 It's recommended to install the following packages for experimental DirectX 9 support and windows fonts in the launcher/game:

WINEPREFIX="$homedir/.wineEE2" WINEARCH=win32 WINE="/opt/wine-staging/bin/wine" /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine wineboot winecfgģ. Homedir=`getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f6` IMPORTANT: you must put all the commands in the same terminal window, because we're changing variables only for the current session! Now we want Wine to use 32bits wine-staging executable, and to store files in "home/YourName/.wineEE2" directory. Sudo apt-get install -reinstall -install-recommends wine-staging wine-staging-i386 libc6 wine-staging-amd64 winetricksĢ. *If for some reasons you removed that wine-staging folder (like me), and now files are missing: Sudo apt-get install -install-recommends wine-staging winetricks Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds Wine will be installed to "/opt/wine-staging/bin":

Add wine-builds repository and install it. This tutorial will contain Ubuntu commands, because I was using Mint Cinnamon 18 during tests.ġ. To learn how to patch it, visit this site (click).

If you don't want to use wine-staging, you can compile wine yourself with this patch (click) which fixes invisible textures problem. To learn how to install wine-staging on your Linux Distribution, please visit this site (click). In this tutorial we use wine-staging, because it already includes some neccesary patches, for example a fix for missing textures in game, (otherwise you would need to compile it yourself). You can play Empire Earth 2 and Empire Earth 2: The Art of Supremacy on Linux thanks to Wine.